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ADS intelligent
Alarms-and warnings
Inside this menu the patient movement detection (PMD) and the output of alarms can be set
up. By number one (1) the operator can choose between "no patient movement detection",
"patient movement detection within 30 minutes ", patient movement detection within 60
minutes" and "patient movement detection within 90 minutes".
By leaving the submenu by pressing the "√" button in the lower right corner all changes will
be saved.
PMD and alternating/change pressure cycle mode
When the operator selects the PMD time of 30, 60 or 90 minutes, the ADS intelligent starts
the patient movement monitor. The selected time the device will record and notice or
movements of the patient. The time passed by with "no movement" will be shown in the bar
below the patient movement monitor. The white part of the bar shows the time in percent of
the choosen monitoring time no detected movement above the necessary movement level.
After every detected movement about the necessary level, the counter will be reset and the
movement detection starts from zero minutes again.
Wilmslow movement be recorded and detected within the chosen time and the chosen total
time has completely passed by, the device will react in the selected way of alarm setting:
Alternating/change pressure cycle mode NOT activated: the system will give alarm
Alternating/change pressure cycle mode activated:
The system will give warning " no movement" and will turn into the "alternating/change
pressure cycle mode" for exactly one time. After that the second period of movement
recording with the chosen period of time will start again. If a significant moving above the
necessary level will be recorded within this second period of time, the warning in the display
will be delete the system starts again with the normal patient movement monitoring.
If NO significant moving above the necessary level will be recorded within this second period
of time, the system will give "alarm" at the end of the chosen monitoring time.