2. Complete this screen.
Enter a name which helps to identify this particular certificate. This name is
only for your reference, it is not visible to other people.
Subject Name
This is the name which other organizations will see as the Holder (owner)
of this Certificate. This should be your registered business name or official
company name. Generally, all Certificates should have the same value in
the Subject field.
Hash Algorithm
Select the desired option.
Select the desired option. RSA is recommended.
Signature Key
Select the desired option. Normally, 1024 bits provides adequate security.
IP address
Enter your public (Internet) IP address.
Domain Name
This is optional. If you have a domain name, enter it here.
E-mail Address
This is optional. If you have permanent E-mail address, enter it here.
AirLive IP-2000VPN User’s Manual