1. Overview
AirLive SA-102 User Manual
4. After putting it into use, the body of Switch will become a little bit hot of which
phenomenon is normal.
1.5 Installation
1. Put the in wall switch into a wall box and connect the AC power wire L, N to in wall
switch connector L, N.
2. Connect the wall switch to the SA-102 as picture.
3. To manually turn ON the Switch, press and release the On/Off button. The LED will
light ON for 1 second, and the load plugged into the Switch will also turn ON.
4. To manually turn OFF the Switch, simply press and release the On/Off button. The
LED will light ON for 1 second and the load plugged into the Switch will turn OFF.
1.6 Programming
1.6.1. Basic Command Class / Binary Switch Command Class
The Switch will respond to BASIC and BINARY SWITCH commands that are part of the
Z-Wave system.
Since the switch have two relay, the Switch will report its On/Off state to the Controller by
setting Configuration parameter 3.
Configuration parameter 3=1 Report ON when relay 1 ON
Report OFF when relay 1 OFF
Configuration parameter 3=2 Report ON when relay 2 ON
Report OFF when relay 2 OFF