1. Overview
AirLive SA-102 User Manual
command inquirer’s Endpoint value)
Command Class = 0x32
(Command_Class_Meter_V3 = 0x32)
Command =0x02
(Meter_Report = 0x02)
Parameter 1 = 0x21
(Scale Bit2 = 0
Rate Type = 0x01
Meter Type=0x01)
Parameter 2 = 0x44
(Precision = 2
Scale Bit1Bit0 = 0
= 4)
Parameter 3 = 0x00
Accumulated Power Consumption =
0x000005FD = 15.33 KWh
Parameter 4 = 0x00
Parameter 5 = 0x05
Parameter 6 = 0xFD Get Instant Power Consumption (Watt) from endpoint
METER_GET example
Source End Point = 0x05
(this is the endpoint of command
inquirer, here we assume endpoint is
if the inquirer doesn’t support multi
Channel this value will be 0)
(Bit Destination End Point =0x03)
(Bit Address =0
Destination End Point
range 1~3)
Command Class = 0x32
( Command_Class_Meter_V3 = 0x32)
Command =0x01
(Meter_Get = 0x01)
Parameter 1 = 0x10
(Scale = W = 0x02)
SA-102 Instant Power Consumption (W) Report example:
Source End Point = 0x03
(Meter report = Endpoint3)
(Bit Destination End Point = 0x05)
(Bit Address =0
Destination End Point =
command inquirer’s Endpoint value)
Command Class = 0x32
(Command_Class_Meter_V3 = 0x32)
Command =0x02
(Meter_Report = 0x02)
Parameter 1 = 0x21
(Scale Bit2 = 0, Rate Type = 0x01
Meter Type=0x01)
Parameter 2 = 0x34
(Precision = 1
Scale Bit1Bit0 = 0x02
Size = 4)
Parameter 3 = 0x00
Instant Power Consumption =
0x000003EA = 100.2W
Parameter 4 = 0x00
Parameter 5 = 0x03