G. Changelog
G.4 AT-1 Software Version 5
Please be careful: If using an AIR Traffic Display on your AT-1, please ensure that the
AIR Traffic Display is updated to version 21 or later before updating your AT-1 to this
G.4.1 Component Versions
Main Module Software Version:
WiFi Module Software Version:
FLARM Module Software Version:
1090MHz Receiver Module Software Version:
G.4.2 Changes Since Version 4
Main Module Software
Added flight data recording in IGC and KML format.
Added absolute data output.
Added persistent error log, which can be read out via USB stick.
Added progress output for longrunning initialization tasks.
Added GPSTRKFALLBACK configuration item to select GPS track, if no GPS based
track is available (e.g. when not moving).
Added three additional protection volume configuration items (PROTECTRANGEn,
PROTECTVRANGEn, PROTECTLEVELn) for configuration of warning behaviour within
four volumes.
Added REQUESTCONFIG command item to read device configuration at once.
Added handling of static object FLARM targets.
Increased audio voice volume.
Fixed an error when printing FLARM acft type values greater than 9 (use hex encoding).
Fixed an error when generating audio output synchronous to ARINC, GarminTIS or
GDL90 output.
WiFi Module Software
Added ui elements for GPSTRKFALLBACK to the config website.
Added ui elements for additional protection volume items to the config website.
Added ui elements for flight data recording to the config website.
Added ui elements for absolute data output to the config website.
Added buttons to clear Flarm obstacle database to the config website.
Added buttons to clear flight log memory to the config website.
Installation Manual
rev. 4.0