5.3 System settings
Selecting this icon, you can set MX UTV Measure unit, LED and display (left image
here below). If your vehicle is equipped with a Yamaha ECU you can also set MX UTV
analog input (right image below); else it is indicated to the infra-red belt temperature
5.2 Vehicle Setup
Selecting this icon, you can choose your vehicle ECU.
Available ECU Models and channels are the following.
ECU Model
Available channels
Polaris RZR
Speed, RPM, Gear, ECT, TPS, Brake SW, Fuel rate
Polaris RZR turbo
Speed, RPM, Gear, ECT, TPS, Brake SW, Fuel rate,
Boost Pressure, Charge Air temp
Speed, RPM, Gear, ECT, TPS, BrakeSW,Instant fuel flow
CAN-AM turbo
Speed, RPM, Gear, ECT, TPS, BrakeSW, Instant fuel consumed
Boost pressure, Intake Air Temp
Yamaha YXZ 2016 Speed, RPM, Gear, ECT
Yamaha YXZ 2017 Speed, RPM, Gear, ECT, TPS, BrakeSW
Arctit Cat Wildcat Speed, RPM, Gear, ECT, TPS, BrakeSW
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