Plotting a route
Aguri Quick search makes it quick and easy to search and calculate routes to an address,
business, place name or POI (Point of interest).
How to use ‘Quick search’ to find an address.
1. Tap the 'Quick search' magnifying glass and start to type in the name of the place you
want to route to (You will need to select the country first if this is the first time you have
used the unit). You can type in a place name, business name, road name, town, city or
postcode in almost any order you choose and you can also enter a coordinate in Decimal
degrees format separated by a comma ie 53.475327, -2.331294. (If the coordinate you have
is in a different format, you will need to use the 'Route by coordinate' feature explained later
in this manual)
2. As you type, a list of locations matching your text will start to appear in the list below
When you see the location you want, tap on it, and select ‘Navigate to’ to proceed.
How to use Quick search to find a POI.
1. Tap 'Navigate' from the main menu to launch the navigation software and you will see the
‘Quick search’ magnifying glass button displayed on the map screen.
2. Tap the ‘Quick search’ magnifying glass and start to type in the name of the POI you
want to route to. The category you are looking for will start to appear in the list below as
you type. When you see the POI category required, tap on it and locations will appear in
distance order starting with the one nearest to you.
3. Tap on the location you want to visit when it appears in the list and select ‘Navigate to’ to
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2. Back/exit
3. Return to Home
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4. View and switch
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currently open on
the device
5. Increase volume
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