AGP 1000 – 2000 PRO
Example 1:
There are 10 TR-OCHRE nozzle inserts installed on the mist blower, the operating pressure is set
to 11 bar, the inter-row distance in the orchard is 3.6 m, the driving speed is 4.2 km/h.
What will be the spray volume per hectare?
You can read from Table 1 that the required time for spraying one hectare is 40 minutes.
You can read from Table 3 that the flow rate of the OCHRE nozzle insert at operating pressure of
11 bar is 0.75 l/min.
You can read from Table 2 that during the time of 40 minutes and with the consumption of 7.5
l/min (for 10 nozzle inserts) the volume consumed is 300 l/ha.
Example 2:
You would like to consume 300 l/ha with the inter-row distance of 3,.8 m and driving speed of 5.2
km/h. There are 10 nozzles open. Which type of nozzle inserts should you use and what is the
required operating pressure for spraying?
For the purpose of this example you can read the driving time per hectare sprayed from Table 1.
It amounts to 30 minutes. To achieve such driving time and the consumption of 300 l/ha, the
required total aggregate flow rate according to Table 2 is 10 l/min or 1 l/min per nozzle. You can
select the corresponding nozzle insert from Table 3; in our case the nozzle type is GREEN for the
operating pressure o 9 bar or OCHRE for the operating pressure of 20 bar.
Operating speed
Spraying is usually performed at tractor speeds from 3 to 6 km/h. The speed must be adjusted to
terrain configuration and, in particular, to the fan capacity. When the operating speed is too high
with a low fan capacity, it can greatly reduce the efficiency and quality of spraying.
Engine revolutions
To ensure quality spraying, select a suitable gear that will allow you to achieve the desired
operating speed at higher number of engine revolutions (approx. 500 rpm of the tractor PTO drive
shaft). This is the only way to ensure an adequate fan and pump capacity.
Water consumption
The water consumption range for spraying in the fruit and wine growing sector is wide and ranges
between 100 and 1500 l/ha. Due to significant savings, the reduced consumption rate between 100
and 300 l/ha is becoming more and more popular in recent years. Such low consumption rates,
however, require greater care when the machine is prepared for work. For this reason, the
equipment of the machine must be of high quality, with quality nozzles, pressure filters and air
deflectors, while also enabling quality mixing during operation. The amount of spray volume per
hectare must remain the same even with low water consumption, which means that the
concentration of the spraying agent should be increased by the same factor that was used for
reducing the amount of water.