Infiniium 90000 X-Series Oscilloscopes
Performance characteristics
Hardware trigger
Internal low: 2.0 div p-p 0 to 22 GHz
Internal high: 0.3 div p-p 0 to 18 GHz, 1.0 div p-p 0 to 22 GHz
Auxiliary: 2.5 GHz
Edge trigger bandwidth >20 GHz
Minimum pulse width trigger
250 ps
Software (InfiniiScan)
40 ps
Level range
± 4 div from center screen or ± 4 Volts, whichever is smallest
± 5 V, also limit input signal to ± 5V
Sweep modes
Single, segmented, and continuous
Display jitter
(displayed trigger jitter)
50 fs
Trigger sources
Channel 1, Channel 2, Channel 3, Channel 4, aux, and line
Trigger modes
Edge transition
Edge then edge (time)
Edge then edge (event)
Pulse width
Triggers on a specified slope (rising, falling or alternating between rising and falling) and voltage level on
any channel or auxiliary trigger. Edge trigger bandwidth is > 20 GHz.
Trigger on rising or falling edges that cross two voltage levels in > or < the amount of time specified.
Edge transition setting from 250 ps.
The trigger is qualified by an edge. After a specified time delay between 10 ns to 10 s, a rising or falling
edge on any one selected input will generate the trigger.
The trigger is qualified by an edge. After a specified delay between 1 to 16,000,000 rising or falling edges,
another rising or falling edge on any one selected input will generate the trigger
Triggers on glitches narrower than the other pulses in your waveform by specifying a width less than
your narrowest pulse and a polarity. Triggers on glitches as narrow as 125 ps. Glitch range settings: <
250 ps to < 10 s.
Triggers on the line voltage powering the oscilloscope.
Triggers on a pulse that is wider or narrower than the other pulses in your waveform by specifying a
pulse width and a polarity. Triggers on pulse widths as narrow as 125 ps. Pulse width range settings 250
ps to 10 s. Trigger point can be “end of pulse” or “time out.”
Triggers on a pulse that crosses one threshold but fails to cross a second threshold before crossing the
first again. Can be time qualified with minimum setting of 250 ps.
Triggers when a channel stays high, low, or unchanged for too long. Timeout setting: from 250 ps
to 10 s.
Pattern/pulse range
Triggers when a specified logical combination of the channels is entered, exited, present for a specified
period of time or is within a specified time range or times out. Each channel can have a value of high (H),
low (L) or don’t care (X).
Pattern trigger clocked by the rising, falling or alternating between rising and falling edge of one channel.
Triggers on an event associated with a window defined by two-user adjustable thresholds. Event can be
window “entered,” “exited,” “inside (time qualified),” or “outside (time qualified)” voltage range. Trigger
point can be “cross window boundary” or “time out.” Time qualify range: from 250 ps to 10 s.