Analysis tools: EZJIT, EZJIT + and SDA (standard on DSA models)
Gain insight into the causes of signal jitter to ensure high reliability of your design
With faster edge speeds and shrinking
data-valid windows in today’s high-
speed digital designs, insight into the
causes of jitter has become critical for
success. Using EZJIT and EZJIT + jitter
analysis software the 90000 X-Series
oscilloscopes help you identify and
Measurement trends and jitter spectrum
EZJIT’s simple tools help you quickly analyze the causes of
jitter. Measurement trends allow you to see deeper views
of factors affecting measurements. Jitter spectrum is a fast
method to find the causes of jitter.
Two ways to separate jitter
EZJIT + comes with two ways to separate jitter: the industry
standard spectral method and the emerging tail-fit method.
Both methods allow for simple separation of RJ and DJ, but
the tail-fit method provides jitter separation in the unique case
of non-symmetrical histograms and aperiodic bounded uncor-
related jitter.
Unique RJ/DJ threshold view
EZJIT + also provides a unique spectral view of the jitter
spectrum with the threshold drawn on the chart. The spectral
view provides insight into the decision point of the separation
and allows for narrow or wide, tail-fit or Dual-Dirac.
Real-time eye and clock recovery
Serial data analysis (SDA) software provides flexible clock
recovery including 1st and 2nd-order PLL and constant
algorithms. With a stable clock, you can look at real-time eyes
of transition and non-transition bits. 90000 X-Series scopes
with SDA software also provide a new unique view of bits
preceding an eye.
Tools to determine the correct settings
SDA, EZJIT, and EZJIT+ come with an array of visual tools to
make analyzing the data simple and ensure that the correct
settings are chosen for difficult design decisions. For example,
the improved bathtub curve (see image to the left)
allows an easy visual tool to determine which jitter separation
method best fits the data.
quantify jitter components that affect the
reliability of your design. Time correlation
of jitter to the real-time signal makes it
easy to trace jitter components to their
sources. Additional compliance views
and a measurement setup wizard simplify
and automate RJ/DJ separation for test-
ing against industry standards.
EZJIT Plus automatically detects
embedded clock frequencies and
repetitive data patterns on the oscil-
loscope inputs and calculates the level
of data-dependent jitter (DDJ) that is
contributed to the total jitter (TJ) PDF
by each transition in the pattern, a
feature not available on any other real-
time oscilloscope today.
Use EZJIT software to extract spread spectrum clocks
The RJ/PJ threshold tools, provides more jitter analysis
Jitter separation makes debugging your device easy