The industry’s highest real-time scope measurement
When you’re designing with faster signals, shrinking
eyes and tighter jitter budgets errors introduced by your
oscilloscope can seriously impact your design margins. The
Agilent Infiniium 90000 X-Series scopes deliver the highest
measurement accuracy available by offering the following
• True analog bandwidth to 33 GHz
• Lowest oscilloscope noise floor (2.10 mV at 50 mV / div,
33 GHz)
• Lowest jitter measurement floor (100 fs)
Having the most accurate analog bandwidth and lowest
noise floor available means better spectral analysis of
transients and wide-bandwidth RF signals.
Engineered for 33 GHz true analog bandwidth that delivers:
Industry’s first and only 30 GHz oscilloscope probing
No matter how much bandwidth your scope has, if
your probes can’t match the scope’s bandwidth, your
measurements are compromised. The Agilent Infiniium 90000
X-Series scopes offer probing solutions that are up to the
tough challenges today’s high-speed signal data rates with
the following:
• InfiniiMax III high frequency probes with automatic
AC calibration (PrecisionProbe)
• Fully-integrated probe amplifier s-parameter
• The industry’s first bandwidth-upgradable probe
The industry’s most comprehensive application-
specific measurement software.
When time is of the essence, you need tools that can speed
true understanding of your signal activity. From serial bus
debug and compliance testing to jitter measurements to
sophisticated triggering capability, Agilent stays on top of
the test standards and your requirements by working to
ensure that you get accurate results more quickly.
The Agilent Infiniium 90000 X-Series scopes offer the following:
• The broadest range of jitter, triggering, analysis and
display tools
• Pre-built compliance testing software based on the
expertise of our engineers on the standards committees
• Support for emerging technologies including
FibreChannel, SAS 12G, or MIPI-MPhy
Easily isolate signals of interest with zone qualified view
using InfiniiScan software triggering, just one of more than
40 application-specific software options.