Analysis tools: Serial data equalization (option 012)
Significantly reduce receiver errors by opening even tightly shut eyes through equalization
Analysis Tools: InfiniiScan
(Option 009)
Trigger on events that
hardware triggers can’t
rial data equalization for the 90000
X-Series provides fast and accurate
equalization using decision feedback
equalization (DFE), feed-forward
equalization (FFE), and continuous-
time linear equalization (CTLE) model-
ing in real time. Serial data equaliza-
tion software allows you to input
your own self-designated tap values
to verify your design. If you prefer,
the software will find the optimal tap
values for you. CTLE allows DC gain
and two-pole modeling.
InfiniiScan software allows you to use an
oscilloscope to identify signal integrity
issues that hardware triggering is unable
to find in your electronic designs. This
innovative software scans through thou-
sands of acquired waveforms per second
to help you isolate signal anomalies,
saving you time and improving designs.
Innovative triggers
zone qualify finder
allows you to
draw a “must pass” or “must not pass”
zone on the oscilloscope screen to visu-
ally determine the event identify condi-
tion. If you can see the event of interest
on the screen, you can create a trigger
that will isolate it, saving significant time
over some complicated hardware triggers.
Other triggers include non-monotonic
edge, measurement limit search, runt and
pulse width.
By combining InfiniiScan and hardware-accelerated
math, you can even trigger on differential math signals
Draw zones on your screen for a unique triggering experience