FBPoisson, 78
FPOisson, 78
HBENding, 78
HPOisson, 78
QCOMpression, 78
QTENsion, 78
QUARter, 78
UNSTrained, 78
bridge excitation voltage, 135
dynamic strain, 37
FET strain gage measurements, 43, 45
full bridge, 61 - 63
half bridge, 59 - 60
multi-channel 1/4 bridge, 36
quarter bridge, 58
relay strain gage measurements, 41
resistance and voltage, 64
rosette, 39, 58
single-channel 1/4 bridge, 35
single-channel bending full bridge, 40
strain, 49
unbalanced bridge technique, 50
using external voltmeter, 63
voltage and resistance, 64
with downloaded unstrained references, 46 - 47
with external voltmeter, 41, 43, 45
Multi-Channel Quarter Bridge Measurements, 36
logical address, 19 - 20
making strain measurements, 135
making strain measurements with, 49
Multiple SCPI commands, linking, 67
120 ohm, 55
350 ohm, 55
card numbers, 21
channel address, 22
connecting, 22
connecting to strain gages, 23 - 32, 34
logical address, 19 - 20
register-based programming, 119 - 136
specifications, 101 - 104
type in switchbox, 93
Noise Induced Currents, 27
Numeric Command Parameters, 67
*OPC, 98
*OPC?, 98
channels, 82, 93
tree switches, 82
Operation Status Register, 91
bit value, 91
command parameters, 67
commands, 66
OUTPut Subsystem, 79, 99
OUTPut[:STATe], 79
OUTPut[:STATe]?, 79
Overview, 13
Parameters, 67
Physical Description, 13
bending full bridge (FBPoisson), 62
full bridge measurements, (FPOisson), 63
half bridge measurements, (HPOisson), 60
ratio, 89
Power Requirements, 24
Primary HP-IB Address, 21
Program Examples
dynamic strain measurements, 37
See also Examples
FET multiplexer scanning, 135
FET strain gage measurements, 43, 45
language used, 33
measurements using external voltmeter, 41, 43, 45
measurements with downloaded unstrained
references, 46 - 47
measuring bridge excitation voltage, 135
multi-channel 1/4 bridge measurements, 36
reading the device type register, 134
reading the ID register, 133
register-based programming, 133
relay strain gage measurements, 41
resetting the switchbox, 135
rosette measurements, 39
single-channel 1/4 bridge measurements, 35
single-channel bending full bridge measurements, 40
language, example programs, 33
register-based, 119 - 136
HP E1355A/56A/57A/58A Modules User’s Manual Index 143
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