Time Correlation with Agilent Infiniium Oscilloscopes
E5850A Logic Analyzer - Oscilloscope Time Correlation Fixture
• Automatic de-skew.
Measurements between the logic
analyzer and Infiniium oscillo-
scope are automatically de-skewed
in time. This saves you time and
gives you confidence in the meas-
urement results.
• Combined waveform display.
The Infiniium oscilloscope wave-
forms are displayed in the wave-
form display window on the 16700
logic analyzer, along with timing
analyzer waveforms. This allows
you to instantly visualize time
relationships among oscilloscope
and timing measurements.
• Global markers.
The global markers in the 16700
may be used to measure time
among all measurements made in
the logic analyzer and Infiniium
oscilloscope measurements.
E5850A Logic Analyzer – Oscilloscope
Time Correlation Fixture
The Agilent E5850A time correlation
fixture allows you to make time-cor-
related measurements between a
16700 logic analyzer and an Agilent
548XX Series Infiniium oscilloscope
to solve the following types of prob-
lems more effectively:
• Verifying signal integrity
• Tracking down problems caused
by signal integrity
• Verifying correct operation of A/D
and D/A converters
• Verifying correct logical and tem-
poral relationships between the
analog and digital portions of a
Agilent’s E5850A time correlation
fixture works in conjunction with
software in the 16700 family logic
analyzers, and any Agilent Infiniium
54800 Series oscilloscope, to deliver
the following features:
Figure 5.25. Infiniium oscilloscope waveforms are displayed in the 16700 logic
analyzer waveform display window along with logic analyzer timing wave-
forms, accurately time-correlated.
• Tracking markers.
The Infiniium oscilloscope’s time
markers track the global markers
in the 16700 logic analyzer. If you
wish to view a waveform in
greater detail on the oscilloscope’s
display, or measure a voltage level
using the oscilloscope’s voltage
markers, this feature allows you to
relate information on the oscillo-
scope’s display precisely to corre-
sponding information on the logic
analyzer display.
Figure 5.26. E5850A time correlation fixture.
For Infiniium
Software version
Software version for oscillo-
for 16700 series
Infiniium oscilloscope
model number
logic analyzer
A.02.20.00 or higher
A.04.00 or higher
A.02.50.00 or higher
A.01.00 or higher
The E5850A requires the versions of operating software indicated in the table