RoGator 418
Chemical Safety
The cab filter
filter out hazardous
chemicals/vapours. Read, understand and follow all
instructions and safety precautions the chemical
manufacturer recommends.
Never spray hazardous chemicals when the wind is in
excess of the chemical manufacturer’s recommendation.
allow chemicals to contact the skin or eyes.
Always wear
protective equipment and
Before leaving the cab, wear personal protective
equipment as required by pesticide use instructions and
the chemical manufacturer recommendations. When re-
entering the cab, remove protective equipment and store;
either outside the cab in a closed box or another type of
sealable container. Inside the cab, use a pesticide
resistant container such as a plastic bag or approved
container. Clean shoes or boots to remove soil or other
contaminated pesticides prior to entering the cab.
Select a safe area to fill, flush, calibrate and
decontaminate the vehicle. Select an area where
hazardous chemicals will not drift or run off to
contaminate people, animals, vegetation, water supply,
If hazardous chemicals come in contact with the body,
wash immediately according to the chemical
manufacturer’s recommendations.
Never place no zzles, tips or other parts to lips to blow out
trash or debris. Have spare tips available for
Clean the vehicle of hazardous chemicals after use.
Hazardous chemical residue can build up on the inside
and outside of the vehicle.
Direct exposure to hazardous chemicals can cause
serious injury or death. Potentially hazardous chemicals
used with
Ag-Chem Europe b.v.
equipment include such
items as fuel, lubricants, coolants, hydraulic fluid, paints
and adhesives.
The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) provides specific
details on hazardous chemical products: physical and
health hazards, safety procedures and emergency
response techniques.
Check the MSDS before starting any project using a
hazardous chemical. Know exactly what the risks are and
how to do the project safely. Follow procedures and
equipment recommendations.
(Contact the chemical manufacturer for Material Safety
Data Sheets on chemical products used with
Europe b.v.