Model 451
Locate parts bag 12. Mount the two long strap bases (001-4703CD) to the bottom side of the saddle (001-4703C) front
edge. Note:
This is the side that has a 2” (5 cm) diameter hole in one of the sides. Use four 3/8” x 1-1/4” bolts, washers,
locks, and nuts to secure. Mount the two short bases (001-4703CC) to the bottom side of the sa
ddle’s back edge. Use
3/8” x 1-1/4” bolts on the outside holes. Leave the inside holes open for the installation of the pump plate mount.
Install the “U” shaped pump plate mount (001-4647) to the top and back edge of the saddle. Secure with two 3/8” x 1-1/2”
bolts on the outside that also go through the short mounting bases as li
sted above. Place one 3/8” x 1-1/4” bolt in the
middle. Secure with washers, locks and nuts.
Install the tank fitting into the bottom of the tank (003-EL3412) and mount the tank on top of the saddle and between the
strap bases. When facing the front of the tank, make sure the side tank fitting is on the left.
Locate the two straps (001-4402). Position the straps over the top of the tank and secure with four 5/16 x 4-
1/2” bolts and
eight nuts. All of the strap bolts need to have double nuts. Mount the door strap (001-4703CL) on a back strap base using
the 1/4 x 1-1/2
” bolt, two washers and nylock nut.
Connect the pump plate mounting bracket (001-
4646C) using two 3/8 x 1” bolts, nuts, locks, and flat washers to the U
shaped bracket (001-4647). Attach the pump plate holder (001-4646D) to pump plate mounting bracket (001-4646C)
using four 3/8
” x 3/4" flange head bolts.
Mount the tank as shown below. The tank will be mounted as far to the right side of the baler as possible. The side tank
fitting (Figure A) will be facing the right side of the baler. The pump plate assembly (Figure B) will be at the back of the
baler. Place the tank on top of the baler and open the front access door. Position the tank so that the front access door
can be lifted open and locked in place. Line up the side of the tank saddle closest to the plunger with the bolts on top of
the hood. Remove the two bolts, line saddle up with existing holes, and secure with new M8 x 30 bolts, flat washers, and
locks. The back access door will be held open with the door strap. Mark and drill two 3/8 inch holes on the top of the baler
for the other open holes in the saddle to attach, secure with two 8 x 30mm bolts, locks, flats, and nuts. Before drilling,
verify that the hole placement will not interfere with any baler operation.
Front of
Bolt to bottom
Bolt to bottom
2” (5 cm) dia
hole through
For AGCO part cross-reference visit: www.harvesttec.com/system.html