FIG.110 Go to the Calibration tab and select an item from the list. Press the Start icon (1) to run the Calibration script of
the selected item through a sequence of steps. Follow the instructions given by EDT.
Available calibrations for Valtra Suolahti vehicles vary depending of the tractor model:
Main Gear Calibration (Versu / Direct / Hitech 5PS)
Range Gear Calibration (Versu / Direct / Hitech 5PS)
Hydrostatic Unit (Direct only)
Speed Sensor Calibration
F- clutch Calibration
R-clutch Calibration
C1-clutch Calibration (Versu / Hitech)
C2-clutch Calibration (Versu / Hitech)
C3-clutch Calibration (Versu / Hitech)
C4-clutch Calibration (Versu / Hitech 5PS)
Clutch Pedal Calibration
Powershuttle Adjustments
Powershift Adjustments (Versu / Hitech)
Injector Calibration
NOTE: See the machine special instructions for the information on how to use the calibrations from Valtra Info.