Professional Nebulizer System Instruction Manual
Functional test
Perform a functional test of Aeroneb Pro prior to first use,
sterilization before each patient use or at any time
to verify proper operation. Follow these steps:
1. Visually inspect each part of the System for cracks or
damage and replace if any defects are visible.
2. Pour 1-5 mL of normal saline (0.9%) into the nebulizer
3. Connect the nebulizer unit to the control module using the
control module cable. Connect the control module to the
AC/DC adapter and plug the AC/DC adapter into an AC
power source.
4. Press and release the blue On/Off power button and
verify that the green
15 Min.
indicator lights and that
aerosol is visible.
5. Press the On/Off power button again to turn the System
off. Press and hold the button for at least three seconds.
Verify that the green
30 Min.
indicator lights and that
aerosol is visible.
6. Disconnect the control module from the AC/DC adapter
and verify that nebulization continues and that the battery
status indicator turns off.
7. Turn the System off and verify that the
15 Min.
30 Min.
indicators are off.
8. Discard any remaining liquid before patient use.