Screw Compressor Central Chiller
Chapter 4: Operation
Accessing the Main Menu Screen
To start the Central Chiller Advanced touchscreen interface:
Push the
button on the cabinet.
The chiller control panel energizes and the
System On
indicator turns on.
The Main Menu screen displays:
Figure 4: Main Menu Screen
The Main Menu screen lets you gain access to:
Chilled Water System Status”
contains information on the status of the compressors
and pumps within the system.
Active Alarms
” contains the current alarm(s) of the system
Al;arm History
” contains the last thirty (30) alarms that were activated.
If the chiller was configured to operate the chilled water pump tank, there are three
screens to configure and view the pump tank setup. The configuration screen allows
for the user to turn on or off any of the pumps as well as configuring the lead/lag
rotation (if multiple pumps were configured)
Chiller Configuration
” shows the configuration of the chiller itself including the
chiller temperature setpoint, temperature alarm settings, as well as setting up the
lead/lag rotation, and the ability to turn on and off the compressors.