Bridge Priority: (0 - 61440) Switches configured, with the lowest numerical value having the
highest priority, and will operate as the root. The value can be changed using multiples of 4096.
Once the change is completed, the switch must be rebooted.
Hello Time: (1-10): Determines the frequency BPDU (Bridge Protocol Data Units) packets are
transmitted. BPDU packets are used to check RSTP current status. (Health of RSTP configuration)
Forwarding Delay: (4-30) Number of seconds the port waits before changing from its Rapid
Spanning-Tree Protocol learning, and enters a listening state to the forwarding state.
Max Age Time: (6-40) Number of seconds the switch waits without receiving Spanning Tree
Protocol configuration messages before attempting a reconfiguration.
When selecting the RSTP Information button, a submenu for the STP Root Bridge is displayed:
Figure 34. STP Root Bridge
VLAN (Virtual LAN)
A Virtual LAN, commonly known as a VLAN, is used to creating independent logical networks within a
physical network. Several VLANs may co-exist within such a network.
VLANs help in reducing the broadcast domain and aids network administrators by separating logical
segments of a LAN that should not exchange data. Advantech B+B SmartWorx managed switches
support port-based VLANS and 802.1Q VLANS.
Port VLAN Setup
The default Virtual LAN is VLAN 1. VLAN 1 operates as the management VLAN, meaning at least one port
must be a member of VLAN 1 to access and manage the switch. VLAN 1 also allows the switch to operate
as a standard switch. Every port must belong to a VLAN and ports may belong to more than one VLAN
ID. Advantech B+B SmartWorx managed switches will support up to 26 port based VLAN groups.