Industrial PCs OPC6012/6015
© ads-tec GmbH • Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 1 • D-72622 Nürtingen
The application of
Automatic brightness adaptation
allows the user to configure
the respective display brightness.
The display brightness can be changed manually, or alternatively automatically by enabling
Automatic brightness adaptation
, which controls the brightness automatically
depending on the ambient light level. Once the automatic brightness control is enabled, the
brightness can no longer be modified by using the front keys.
We distinguish between two different control modes with the automatic control:
Day mode / Night mode
Separate display brightness levels can be programmed for either of both modes.
The threshold for Day-/Night mode has to be determined individually by the user for
each device.
The day mode is enabled as soon as the ambient brightness is high enough. The display
brightness should be set to a slightly higher level than at night.
The night mode is enabled if the ambient brightness level is low. The display brightness
can be set to a lower level in this mode.
The operating mode of the automatic control can seamlessly be changed between day and
night mode by using a slide control.
The closer the slider is to the day mode position, the darker the ambient light must be
before the display brightness is changed to night mode. And vice versa: the closer the
slider is put to the night mode position, the brighter the ambient light must be before the
display brightness is increased to the value set up for the day mode.
In order to save the changes, you'll have to push either