The UC IR (sold separately) infrared remote gives you control of various functions (See below). To
control the fixture you must aim the remote at the front of the fixture and be no more than 30 feet
away. The Revo 4 IR comes with the Airstream IR remote-transmitter. The transmitter plugs into the
headphone jack of your iOS phone or tablet. To control your IR fixture, you must raise the volume to
the maximum on your iOS phone or table and aim the transmitter at the front of the fixture and be
no more than 15 feet away. After you have purchased the Airstream IR transmitters, the app is a free
download from the app store for your iOS phone or tablet. The app comes with 3 pages of control
depending on the IR fixture you are using. Please see below for IR functions including the corre-
sponding app page.
Works with App page 1.
STAND BY - Pressing this button will blackout the fixture. Press the button again to return to the
initial state.
FULL ON - Hold this button down to fully light up the unit. When you let the button go, the unit will
return to its previous state.
FADE/GOBO - This button is invalid for this fixture.
“” and “DIMMER -” - These buttons are invalid for this fixture.
STROBE - Press and hold this button for strobing.
COLOR - Press this button to activate color mode. Use buttons 1-5 to select your desired color.
1-9 - Use buttons 1-9 to select your desired color when color mode is active or your desired show
when show mode is active.
SOUND ON & OFF - Use the buttons to activate and deactivate sound active mode.
SHOW 0 - Press this button to select Show 0. Use buttons 1-9 to select Shows 1-9. Press the Show
0 button twice to run Show 10, and press button #1 twice to run show 11.
ADJ Products, LLC - www.adj.com - Revo 4 IR User Manual Page 13
Revo 4 IR
UC IR Control