• Two Operating Modes
• Electronic Dimming 0-100%
• DMX-512 protocol
• 6 DMX Channel Modes
• 3-Pin In/Out DMX Connection
• Power In/Out Connection
• USB Data Update
• Gamma Adjustment
• 5 Dimmer Curves
• Multiple Unit Power Linking
The Encore FR50z carries a 2 year limited warranty. Please fill out the enclosed warranty card to
validate your purchase. All returned service items, whether under warranty or not, must be freight
pre-paid and accompanied by a return authorization (R.A.) number. The R.A. number must be clearly
written on the outside of the return package. A brief description of the problem as well as the R.A.
number must also be written down on a piece of paper included in the shipping carton. If the unit is
under warranty, you must provide a copy of your proof of purchase invoice. You may obtain an R.A.
number by contacting our customer support team on our customer support number. All packages
returned to the service department not displaying an R.A. number on the outside of the package will
be returned to the shipper.
The unit should be mounted using a mounting clamp (not provided), and affixing it to the mounting
bracket that is provided with the unit. Always ensure that the unit is firmly fixed to avoid vibration
and slipping during operation. Always ensure that the structure to which you are attaching the unit is
secure and is able to support at least 10 times the unit’s weight. Also, always use a safety cable that
can hold 12 times the weight of the unit when installing the fixture. The equipment must be installed
by a professional installer, and it must be installed in a place where it is out of the reach of of unau-
thorized person(s).