NIBP Controller
Owner’s Guide
Output socket of the NIBP Controller allows connection of further
ADInstruments front-ends to the system, in series (the input of the next
connects to the output of the previous).
Pressure Signal Output
Connect this output to a PowerLab input channel to record pressure. This
signal is proportional to the cuff pressure and is precalibrated to produce 1 V
per 300 mmHg. By using Units Conversion in LabChart you can easily display
the cuff pressure in mmHg (or similar units).
Pulse Signal Output
Connect this output to a PowerLab input channel to record the pulse. This
pulse signal is used to determine the points at which the pressure signal will
be read to calculate systolic pressures.
Max mmHg Switch
This switch sets the maximum cuff inflation pressure, which will occur
immediately before deflation takes place. Two settings are available: 200 and
280 mmHg.
Gain Adjust
This control allows an increase or decrease in the amplification of the signal
to suit the type of pulse transducer being used. It will have been factory set,
and you should not find it necessary to make further adjustment. The
adjustment of this control is described in Chapter 2.
Trigger In Connector
This trigger connector provides a means to start and stop the NIBP measuring
cycle from an external device that is providing a TTL compatible signal. This
input can be connected to the analog output of a PowerLab so that the
LabChart recording software can send a trigger signal (use a 3–5 V pulse
when setting up triggering in LabChart) to start a measurement cycle.
Trigger Out Connector
This connector provides a signal that can be used by the LabChart software to
make data recording take place only during the measurement cycle. This is
useful if you are performing multiple measurement cycles at, say, 30 minute
intervals, and do not want to record the unwanted signals between cycles.
This output is connected to the External Trigger input of a PowerLab. The
signal is TTL compatible (zero or 5 V) and indicates 5 V when a measurement
cycle is taking place.
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