Bridge Amp
Owner’s Guide
How to Use This Guide
This owner’s guide describes how to set up and begin using your
Bridge Amp. The chapters give an overview of front-ends in general
and the Bridge Amp in particular, and discuss how to connect the
hardware, perform a simple power-up test, and use the Bridge Amp
with some ADInstruments programs. The appendices provide
technical information about the front-ends, and take a look at some
potential problems and their solutions.
At the end of this guide, you’ll find an index. Technical terms that are
not defined in the glossary of terms included with the owner’s guide
for your PowerLab are defined as they appear.
Checking the Front-end
Before connecting the Bridge Amp to anything, check it carefully for
signs of physical damage.
1. Check that there are no obvious signs of damage to the outside of
the front-end casing.
2. Check that there is no obvious sign of internal damage, such as
rattling. Pick up the front-end, tilt it gently from side to side, and
listen for anything that appears to be loose.
If you have found a problem, contact your authorized ADInstruments
representative immediately, and describe the problem. Arrangements
can be made to replace or repair the front-end.
Front-end Fundamentals
The PowerLab system consists of a recording unit and application
programs that run on the computer to which the unit is connected. It
is an integrated system of hardware and software designed to record,
display, and analyze experimental data. Your Bridge Amp is one of a
family of front-ends meant for use with your PowerLab system.
Front-ends are ancillary devices connected to the PowerLab recording
unit to extend the system’s capabilities. They provide additional
signal conditioning and other features, and extend the types of
experiments that you can conduct and the data you can record. All
ADInstruments front-ends are designed to be operated under full
software control. No knobs, dials or switches are needed, although
some may be provided for reasons of convenience or safety.
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