Bridge Amp
Owner’s Guide
Variations in the transducer signal during the auto-zeroing
operation will cause the software to fail to zero the offset properly, if it
zeroes at all. Make sure that the transducer is kept still and that no
varying signal is applied during the operation.
The offset display, a small numeric indicator above the
shows the corrective voltage used to adjust for transducer offset. The
offset is given in the units of the channel. When the Bridge Amp is
first powered up, the software sets the offset circuit to its default
position (no offset adjustment of the transducer) and the offset display
value is zero. When either
or the manual offset controls are
clicked, this value will change to indicate the positive or negative
corrective adjustment.
On a Macintosh, click the small
button to restore the offset circuit to
its initial, non-zeroed position (and the offset display value to zero).
This can be used to determine the offset generated by a transducer.
Display Offset
Display Offset…
to display the Input Value dialog (Figure 2–6).
A voltmeter displays the voltage currently being measured for an
input (the input channel is indicated at the top of the dialog). If a
transducer or some other external equipment has offset adjustment
capabilities, you can use this to zero it.
Because the dialog allows for such fine adjustment, a vertical arrow
appears indicating the zero point if the offset is substantial. This
dialog is not a control, simply an indicator that acts like a voltmeter.
Figure 2–6
The Input Value dialog,
Windows (left) and
Macintosh (right)
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