Electronic Devices Srl – IT31010 – Mareno – Treviso INFO:
Phone +39.0438.30.91.31
User Manual
DALI / Serial - Converter
Document code: MN67831_ENG Revision 1.100 Pagina 29 di 56
This section is used to scan the DALI network, discover the devices and address them consecutively.
The options available under this menu are different:
Full Device Search: this function will scan and address all the DALI devices;
Partial Device Search: this function will scan and address only the DALI devices without ID;
Full Sensor Search: this function will scan and address all the DALI sensors;
Partial Sensor Search: this function will scan and address only the DALI sensors without ID;
Scan Devices and Sensors: this function will read the data from all available DALI devices/sensors;
Disable Polling: this function will stop the DALI readings;
Enable Polling: this function will start the DALI readings.
This section is used to monitor the DALI 2 messages received by the converter.
It allows to see the sensor that is communicating, the instance and the information available in the event.