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Manual SVL 4G Weblogger
Adesys B.V. | Wateringen
3.4.2 Recovery report (idle)
If desired, a recovery report SMS can be sent after the input goes into idle mode. The default setting is off
even if nothing has been selected. Select ‘Yes’ to activate this notification. A recovery report will always be
sent to the external server.
3.4.3 System errors
Various system errors can be detected by the SVL. Notifications can be set up individually for each error.
Depending upon the error, this is displayed in the programming tool and a notification is sent via SMS. By
default the notification of all system errors via SMS is switched off.
3.5 Connections
The term ‘connections’ is used to mean the connection to an external server. With the SVL it is possible to
make a connection to Checkmyproces.com or to a dedicated server.
3.5.1 Checkmyproces.com
Checkmyproces is a server on which the status of the SVL can be logged and is displayed via the cloud.
After logging in, SVL dialers can be connected to the account. This connection takes place via the IMEI
number. The IMEI number can be obtained via SV-prog in the status screen.
Remote configuration
It is possible to remotely make changes to the settings of the dialer. This is possible by ethernet and by
4G/GPRS. For using remote configuration it is necessary to have a constant connection. When using 4G/
GPRS keep in mind of the extra cost.
If the network is secured by use of a firewall. Please make the following exceptions.
Data connection
Protocol :
System settings
Protocol :
3.5.2 Own server
It is also possible to enter your own server IP instead of Checkmyproces.com. Log data and status are then
sent to this IP address. The connection to your own server is made via two paths. The message is sent via
HTTP POST and the settings via MQTT. For more information please contact Adésys.
3.5.2 Connection interval
This is the interval at which data is sent to the server, either via Ethernet or 2G/4G. If both are switched off,
no data will be sent. If both connections are connected and correctly set up, Ethernet will be used as the
main connection type and 2G/4G will serve as a back-up in case a connection via Ethernet is not possible.
3.6 System
In the system section you can change the general SVL settings, enter GSM and mobile data settings or
trigger a factory reset.
3.6.1 Device
In this window you can change device-specific settings such as device name, alarm active text, alarm
recovery text, automatic updates, periodic reset and a periodic report.
3.6.2 Ethernet
Ethernet can be set up with a DHCP server or with the IP, DNS and gateway entered by the user. When an
error occurs it is possible to reset the DHCP by pushing the reset key for a duration of 3 seconds, releasing
it 3 seconds and doing this 3 times. After which the leds wil show restart sequence.
3.6.3 GSM and mobile data
Here, the GSM module can be switched off, the PIN code entered, 2G/4G mobile data switched off or the
data from the APN set up. Please contact your provider for the APN settings.