Technical description Chapter 5
PA 7300
Configuring the board with ADDISET
5.3.1 Load
In the directory ADDISET, type <ADDISET>.
The parametering program for the board
PA 7300
is loaded.
ADDISET lists automatically all the plug & play ADDI-DATA boards which
are plugged in your PC. They appear in the board list in the order in which they
have been detected by the chain of characters identifying the board. Port 1 is
detected before Port 2.
Make sure that ADDISET has detected all the boards.
You move the cursor on the port you wish to configure. It is highlighted. Klick
on the button
and the following dialog box appears:
Fig. 5-5: Dialog box Configuration
When configuring a Plug & Play board make sure that no other
Plug & Play board is active.
Network boards:
a plug & play network board should not be coupled to a
network, when an ADDI-DATA plug & play board is being configurated.
This may cause the PC being unstable.