APPeNDIX c - Redundant servers: setting up and swapping out
This appendix contains two main sections related to the creation and repair of A.I.M.
server installations that employ redundancy.
• Setting up A.I.M. server redundancy - below
• Swapping out an A.I.M. server - on
next page
setting up A.I.M. server redundancy
This section details the steps required to successfully configure two A.I.M. units as
primary and secondary servers.
1 First determine the password requirements for A.I.M. servers. Access the Dashboard >
Settings page and click Servers button. Set the
Require Authentication
option as required.
If set to No, then new servers can join the network as soon as they are plugged in. If
set to Yes, you will need to enter a
Cluster Password
in the field below and this must be
set on every A.I.M. server.
2 Within the main Servers tab, choose the A.I.M. unit that you wish to use as the
primary server.
3 Click for the chosen A.I.M. server to display the Configure Server page and change
the Rôle entry to
and click Save.
4 Add the new secondary A.I.M. server to the network. This unit must have its factory
default settings in place. The new server should appear within the main Servers tab and
be identified as being
5 Wait five minutes for automatic server replication to take place and the backup
database to be transferred from the primary unit. After this period, the new secondary
server should be added to the list on the main Servers tab. Its Rôle will be shown as
and its Status as
Note: If the transfer of the backup database is interrupted and only a partial database is
transferred, then the problem will be reported within the management server page. If this
occurs, it will not be possible to log in to the backup database and the firmware version of
the backup will be reported as V. After five minutes, you should be given the options of Reboot
and Factory Reset. Choose the factory reset option in order to clear this issue.
6 You can now configure the secondary server in either of two ways:
• Click the icon to configure the server remotely from the primary server.
• Click the icon to open a restricted page in order to configure the server
directly from its own IP address. If you use this option, the configuration options are
limited to:
view the logs
update/reset AIM
configure this server