The Dashboard is your main point of contact for checking and changing the general
status of all A.I.M. operations.
Click the DASHBOARD tab to view its initial home page.
The various other Dashboard pages (e.g. Settings, Backups, Updates, etc.) are selectable
within the blue section located just below the tabs.
Dashboard > Home
Shutdown button
- Allows the admin user to shut down the A.I.M. server. The OSD
will no longer work on Receivers. The A.I.M. server will need to be manually started
again when next required.
- The admin user can reboot the A.I.M. server. The
and admin section
will be unavailable while the server is rebooting. This currently takes about 75 seconds.
Within the Home page*, the different sections provide a variety of information:
Warning messages
- Live alerts are displayed concerning any devices that are offline,
rebooting, recently added or unconfigured.
latest Active connections
- shows the five most recent active sessions, detailing
for each: When the session started; which user/receiver/channel is involved; the
connection type (icons show audio, video, serial, USB, exclusive) and IP addresses
in use. The red unplug icon on the far right allows the admin user to disconnect a
event log
- shows all actions performed by the admin or end-users within the A.I.M.
system. See also the
Event Log page
latest channels
- shows the last five channels created within the A.I.M. system. A
channel is created by default when a new transmitter is added and configured. The edit
icon next to a channel allows the admin user to configure the channel.
latest User logins
- shows the last five users who logged in (either to the A.I.M.
admin or at an AdderLink Infinity Receiver).
latest User Registrations
- shows the last five users added to the A.I.M. system,
with a link to edit the user’s details/permissions.
latest channel changes
- shows the last five users who changed a channel, either
while using the on-screen display (OSD) at an AdderLink Infinity Receiver, or via the
A.I.M. admin control panel.
latest Receivers Added
- shows the last five receivers to be added and configured
within the A.I.M. network. Click to configure a receiver; click
to connect to a
channel; or click to disconnect an existing connection.
latest Transmitters Added
- shows the last five transmitters to be added and
configured within the A.I.M. network. Click to configure a transmitter.
* The Home page is auto-refreshed every ten seconds to ensure that the latest
information is always available.