Dashboard > Updates
Upgrade AIM software
If you have downloaded an update file for A.I.M. software, you can upload it here to the
A.I.M. server and A.I.M. will automatically be upgraded to the new version. Upgrade files
are encrypted and digitally-signed for A.I.M.-server integrity.
Note: It is not possible to downgrade an A.I.M. server to a previous firmware version.
Reset AIM Configuration
This option can be used to reset A.I.M. to its initial configuration, but will retain any A.I.M.
software updates that have been applied. All devices, channels, presets, users, groups,
backups, logs and uploaded firmware files will be removed. You are strongly advised to
download a recent backup before continuing.
Upload New TX/RX Firmware
Allows you to upload a firmware file to the A.I.M. server, which can then be used to
upgrade ALIF TX and RX units using the section below.
Install Firmware onto Devices
Allows you to determine the firmware file to use and which ALIF devices should be
Upgrading firmware globally on ALIF units
This method allows the A.I.M. admin user to upgrade firmware on receivers and
transmitters, wherever they are located.
1 Use the “Upload New TX/RX Firmware” section to place new transmitter and/or
receiver firmware file(s) onto the A.I.M. server. Once uploaded, the stored firmware
files are listed within the relevant “Available firmware” drop-down boxes within the
sections below.
2 Within the “Install Firmware onto Devices” section, choose the Device Version (ALIF
standard or dual model), Device Type (RX or TX) and Firmware Type (Main or Backup
3 Click the Available firmware drop-down box and select the required new firmware
4 Click the “Install” button to apply the chosen firmware to the devices.
4 On the right side of the list, select the devices to which the firmware upgrade will be
applied by checking boxes next to each device. The “Select All” option makes it easy to
apply firmware to all devices.
5 Click the “Upgrade Selected...” button to create a queue of devices to be upgraded. If
there are many devices to upgrade, this may take some time.
The status of devices during the upgrade process should be shown in near-real time
on the receivers/transmitters pages and on the device’s own page. The page will show
whether the device is still in the queue to be upgraded or if it is in the process of
rebooting with the new firmware. Note that the process of applying firmware to a
device and enacting a reboot takes several minutes to complete.
Dashboard > Active Connections
Shows only connections that are currently active within the A.I.M. network. Please refer
to the Connection Log page section below.
Dashboard > Connection Log
Shows all connections that have occurred within the A.I.M. network. The most recent
connections are shown at the top, and the log is paginated (the number of rows per
page can be set from the
Dashboard > Settings
page). The log can be filtered to show
all connections, or only currently active connections. Current connections have no “end
time” and a disconnect icon ( ).
The “Audio Broadcast IP” and “Video Broadcast IP” columns show whether the audio
and video are being sent directly from the transmitter to the receiver or broadcast to
a multicast group. Direct links are denoted by the receiver’s IP address only; whereas
multicast broadcasts are indicated by the multicast icon ( ) and the common multicast
IP address (the address will be in the range specified within the “Multicast IP Address”
option of the Dashboard > Settings page).
Actions that you can take within this page include:
• Hover the mouse over the receiver, user or channel names to show more information
about each item.
• Hover the mouse over the five “Info” icons to see descriptions (audio on/off; video on/
off; USB on/off; shared/exclusive mode; serial on/off).
• Click
to end a connection between a receiver and a channel.