THe ReceIVeRs TAb
The Receivers tab shows a paginated table of all receiver devices within the A.I.M.
Click the RECEIVERS tab to view the initial View Receivers page.
The other Receivers pages (e.g. View Receiver Groups, Add Receiver Group, etc.) are
selectable within the blue section located just below the tabs.
Receivers > View Receivers
The table shows the following information for each receiver:
• Name
• Online status
• IP address
• Firmware revision of receiver unit
• Description & Location
• Manage (admin options - see below)
The Manage icons are as follows:
(Note: You can hover your mouse pointer over any icons to reveal additional information)
Configure device
: Displays the “
Configure Receiver
” page.
Reboot device
: Allows you to reboot or reset a unit to its factory settings. A
popup will ask which task you wish to carry out. A reboot is useful if a device enters
an unknown state. A reset will return the unit to its factory default state and reset
its IP address (the unit will retain any firmware updates that have been applied).
Identify unit
: Causes the LED lights to flash on the front of the selected unit. An
alert will be shown if the unit cannot be contacted (e.g. if it is offline).
Delete device
: Confirmation will be requested. You will need to factory-reset any
devices that you wish to re-configure to work with A.I.M..
connect to a channel
: A list of available channels is shown, along with connection
modes (view/shared/exclusive). The admin user can thus remotely change channel
on any receiver.
: If a receiver is currently connected to a channel, clicking the
disconnect icon will end the connection, regardless of who is connected. Hovering
over the icon will show which user is connected, which channel they are connected
to, and when the connection was created.
Search filters
The key fields (Name, Description and Location) all provide a
search filter to locate particular items within long lists. Enter a full
or partial search string into the appropriate filter box and then
click to start the search. Optionally use the
buttons to
invert the order of the listing.
The page will reload with the same pagination/sort order, but with the added search
filter. It’s possible to filter by several columns at once (e.g. search for all entries with
“mac” in the name, and “mixed” in the description). Search terms are case-insensitive. You
can re-sort and paginate on filtered results without losing the filters.
To remove a filter, click the red cross next to the relevant filter, (you can also empty the
search box and click again).