Cleaning and storage
Your AddBike may be cleaned with a sponge, with a water-jet or with clean water.
Do not clean your AddBike using a high pressure water-jet, as that could result in premature
Store your AddBike in a weather-proof area.
Guarantee Charter
The guarantee of the AddBike product extends to two years after purchase.
The product must be used in conformity with its User’s and Assemble Guide and must be
regularly maintained. The original parts must not be replaced with unauthorized parts.
Any damage which results from non-compliant use, from excessive force, from insufficient
maintenance or from normal wear and tear is excluded from the Guarantee.
Our products include components and parts (tires, brake pads, air chamber) which are subject
to normal wear when in regular use. Those parts are not included into the Guarantee.
Assistance in case of problems
If one part of the AddBike does not function correctly, please contact AddBike
or your dealer. We will do our best to help you as soon as possible.
On our website www.add-bike.com you will find a list of dealers who are trained for the
installation and maintenance of AddBike products.