Using the Addbike
First use
Get familiar with the product before using it to transport loads or a child.
When using it for the first time, make sure the wheels are in the unloaded position. If this is not
the case, see chapter 9.E, which shows the method to adjust the position of the wheels.
Use the AddBike unloaded until you are completely at ease (straight lines, curves). We advise
you to first use it in an area with low traffic to familiarize yourself with the behavior of the
product. The adaptation time for riding the AddBike may vary from a few minutes to several
hours depending on the user. Take the time you need for to familiarize yourself.
The disc brakes are very powerful, so try operating the brake handle gradually and in clear
areas, without any danger nearby. Take the all the time you need to be totally comfortable with
the braking intensity.
With each use, check the braking symmetry. If braking is not balanced on
both wheels, refer to section 8.B.
Before starting up, make sure the pendulum is in a free position (lever on
the green or orange zone). You should not use it when the pendulum is
locked (lever on the red zone). See chapter 9.E.
If it is raining, be very careful because one of the two discs may be wetter
than the other and braking may be stronger on one side, which could
cause an accident. See chapter 3, paragraph « Drive in a way adapted to
the environment
Using the AddBike to transport a load
Rules for loading the base
In order to make loading of the AddBike easier (alone or with a module), put the parking brake
in locked position and lock the bike as far right as possible using the pendulum
s lock system.
Always secure the load correctly on the base and be extremely careful not to let the load itself
exceed the volume provided for this purpose, that is to say, the volume delimited by the Base.