When making numerical changes, please keep in mind to stay within the programming limits shown on
page 53
page 54
. If an erroneous entry is made, the Phase 6 OPL microprocessor controller (computer) will ignore
the entry made when the “ENTER/START”
Key is pressed and will return to the numerical value previously
The Phase 6 OPL microprocessor controller (computer) walks the operator through the various parameters
(programs) and advances each time the “ENTER/START”
Key is pressed. Once
the steps in the
particular preprogrammed cycle or Program Location (system parameters) are set, the light emitting diode
(L.E.D.) display will read “PROGRM.” At this point, the operator can go to the next preprogrammed cycle or
Program Location (system parameter) to be changed. If no other programs (parameters) need to be changed,
the user can get out of the program mode by pressing the “CLEAR/STOP”
Key. The Phase 6 OPL
microprocessor controller (computer) will now return to the operating mode, and the L.E.D. display will read
The following section of this manual (
page 29 through page 50
) explains the programming of the preprogrammed
cycles and Program Locations (system parameters) through the use of flowcharts. A flowchart is nothing more
than a diagram of the programming process.
Four (4) different symbols will be used in these flowcharts:
a rectangle
a square
Each rectangle will represent a read-out on the Phase 6 OPL microprocessor controller (computer) L.E.D.
display, and each square will represent a key that is pressed. For example:
1. If the flowchart shows the symbol
the Phase 6 OPL microprocessor controller (computer)
L.E.D. display will read the same.
2. If the flowchart shows the symbol
you will press that specific key on the keyboard (touch pad) label.
This symbol represents “CLEAR/STOP.”
This symbol represents “ENTER/START.”
a. The flowchart arrows (i.e.,
) represents the program path.
b. On the sides of these flowcharts are explanations of the flowchart procedure, and in some cases the
programming limits.