LPG delivery module
A gas leakage detector can be located in the dispenser module area (optional - not a part of the standard
delivery) which is connected to the evaluating unit signalling leakage in case of a small leakage (low
concentration) and putting the filling system out of operation in case of higher concentration. In case of a
small leakage the operators check the system and if a defect in not found out, escaped gas is exhausted
and the system put in operation. In case of higher concentration the attendant puts the dispenser out of
operation and reports the defect to the authorised service.
The dispensers are hygienically harmless for customers and the owner. But protective gloves are advised
to be used during maintenance or filling fuel. In case skin comes to contact with fuel or impurities, wash
the spot with water and soap as soon as possible. When eyes come to contact, medical treatment is
necessary. Do not inhale harmful vapours when filling fuel.
For carrying out the routine maintenance and dispensing the liquefied propane-butane (LPG), it suits to
protect the hands with gloves.
The first aid principles in case of LPG injury
It is necessary to prevent inhalation of propane-butane vapour during pumping - there is a
danger of
The injured person shall be taken out from the hazardous area to the fresh
Take care of your own safety.
Be also aware of fire and explosion risk. Put the injured
person comfortably, release their clothes and leave them in absolute rest
(they are not supposed
either walk or speak).
Call a physician or take the injured person to a hospital. In case of
dyspnoea or stoppage of breathing give them oxygen or apply artificial respiration.
In case of LPG contamination of eyes
pour a small quantity of water on them, carefully open eye-
lids and rinse the eyes with plenty of running water (for about 15 minutes) then look for medical
care - there is a danger of cornea injury.
In case skin gets in contact
with propane-butane, rinse the skin with plenty of water, take off the
clothes and shoes that have been contaminated (take care of fire and explosion risk) and rinse the
attacked skin with running water (for about 15 minutes). Do not chafe chilblained skin but cover it
with a sterile bandage.
In case of a burn
it is advised to cool the injury with cold water from water main. Do not apply
anything on the injury and visit a physician. Apply only sterile bandage in emergency or in case of
extensive burns wrap the injured person into clean bed sheet -
do not take off clothes
. In case
the clothes are burning
do not run
(the flames can blow up), extinguish it by water, stifle the
flames with a blanket or jacket - by rolling on the ground. In case of being in the centre of fire,
lie down immediately
. Flames and gas attacking the face can result in lethal burning of breathing
The combined fuel dispenser allows the simultaneous dispensing of two types of liquid fuel - petrol or
diesel fuel and liquefied propane-butane (LPG) into a motor vehicle at the same dispensing point.
dispensing racks are designed for the suction pump system with its
own pumping aggregate of the classic liquid fuel (petrol or diesel) in the dispenser.
dispensing racks are designed for a central push system where the
flow of the submersible pump is located in the storage tank of the pumping station - for classic liquid fuel
(petrol or diesel) and LPG.
The dispensers have been designed for the installation at road filling stations and a fleet of vehicles, etc.
By means of a communication line the dispensers are connected to the control system of self-service
operation or serviced.
Fuel dispensers are designed as self-contained sectional contruction. Two-space body is designed in the
with two columns for two products.
Construction of
fuel dispensers consist from following basic modules: