Adaptive® JUNIOR – Technical and HMI User Guide
REV 1.04
Fan Configuration Page
One to three fans can be connected to JUNIOR and can range from simple 2 wires with no feedback, 3 wires with
speed feedback or 4 wires with both speed feedback and control. Each connected fan can be any of the allowed
types the only restriction is that all the fans MUST use the same supply voltage. The fan supply voltage can either be
the same as the JUNIOR supply or use the programmable onboard fan supply.
Figure 22 Fan configuration Page
To use the JUNIOR supply for powering the fans fit shorting jumpers across the 2-pin headers P11, 12 & 13 for the
fans intended to be driven. Alternatively, to use the on board programmable supply ensure all three jumpers P11, 12
& 13 are removed (any that are fitted will cause that particular fan to be supplied from the input) and then select the
required supply voltage of 5V, 12V or 24V from the fan voltage option drop down list.
Note: When using the programmable PSU the supply voltage should be above the selected fan voltage to ensure
correct regulation of the fan supply.
Use the instruction list below to configure each fan that is connected.
Use the Connection drop down selection box for the selected fan number and choose 2,3 or 4-wire to suit the
fan being connected.
If the fan is 4-wire the desired speed control mode should be selected using the Mode selection box.
For PWM enter the required demand 0 to 100% to set the nominal fan speed.
For RPM enter the fan speed required, noting the acceptable limits available.
Set up the fan alarms as required for current, voltage and speed using the Fan Alarm Configuration Page.
Fan Connection Type
Voltage Option
Control Method