Changing Your Backup Settings
Editing the Include List
The Include tab of the Advanced Settings window lists all
directories, folders, files, and file types that are included in
backups. An item on the Include list is included in backups
is also on the Exclude list (see
). For instance, you can add
All Files to the Include list, but select specific files for exclusion by
adding them to the Exclude list.
Because Adaptec File Saver evaluates each file for
backup based on the Include list
the Exclude list, you
must be extremely cautious when editing these lists. Use
wildcards carefully and appropriately to avoid excluding or
including the wrong files.
To add items to the Include list:
Open the Advanced Settings window (see
By default, the Include tab opens.
In the Include Files box, type an item name, including the path
to the item.
Item names are case insensitive and can include up to two
standard wild card characters (* and ?).
Type only a path name to include all files in a certain folder.