PALS Installation Manual
Batteries must be installed in transmitters before programming. Specifications and related
programming instructions for each type of transmitter are included in the literature packed with the unit.
The Crisis Controller©™ permits users to test signal strength of individual transmitters that can send signals directly
to the Serial Receiver without the use of a Repeater. If Repeaters are used, either a Survey Kit is required (available
through Actall® Corp.) or the Crisis Controller©™ software must be installed on a portable machine allowing for
mobility. Please contact Actall® Technical Support for more information.
RF signals change with the environment, so signal strength measurements cannot be
relied on solely. Complete supervision of the transmitters and frequent testing should
be the main course of action to ensure a working system.
The Crisis Controller©™ software is often used in applications involving mobile transmitters carried for personal
protection, by guards or watchmen. In these applications, it is extremely valuable to have a system that not only
responds to alarms, but can also provide information on the location of the personnel carrying the transmitters.
The Crisis Controller©™ has several answers to this challenge.
IRT Locators are special infrared transmitting devices that generate
an ID code and are received by the PALS©® 9000 Personal Mobile
Transmitters (PMTs). IRT Locators transmit identification codes to
PMTs carried by authorized personnel.
The ID code is used to identify the alarm location or zone from
which the alarm originated. Location information is subsequently
encoded into the transmissions from the PMT to the PALS©® Alert
Monitoring Center. It is then possible to monitor position and
movement of the individuals on-site.
IRT Locators continuously transmit locator data code via infrared
light. The PMT includes an infrared receiver that is activated at
regular intervals. If the PMT is within the coverage area of a Locator,
infrared data is read and stored in the PMT, then included in status
transmissions to the PALS©® Alert Monitoring Center.
IRTs, PMTs, and Wireless RF Locators
IRT Locators