PALS Installation Manual
The SIO32 Output section has 32 Form C relays, with connections arrayed in four rows of terminal blocks with N/O,
N/C, and common terminals for each output.
The SIO32 Input section consists of two 32-position terminal strips with inputs on one side and ground terminals
for each position on the other (ground terminals are on the inside)
Configuration of the board is accomplished by setting the 8-position DIP switch.
Positions 1-4 set Input or Output options for the SIO32, in banks of 8. If switches are in the “Off” position, respective
points are designated as Outputs. “On” sets them as Inputs.
The same bank cannot be used for both Inputs and Outputs.
The next 3 positions (5 - 7) set the board ID, from 1 to 8. The associated ID is binary based plus 1 (000=1, 001=2,
010=3, 011=4, 100=5, 101=6, 110=7 and 111=8). Boards attached to the same serial port must have different IDs.
Any time DIP switches are changed, the Reset button must be pressed (located next to
the DIP switches), or power to the SIO32 must be removed and reapplied.