BusWork® 965EN Module User’s Manual Modbus TCP/IP mV/TC Input
Acromag, Inc. Tel:248-295-0880 Fax:248-624-9234 Email:
Note that the 6 or 4 channels of this module are divided into two groups of 3
channels each (ports). A CJC sensor is included for each channel pair.
Input signals for each channel (voltage ranges) are indicated to 3 decimal
places as shown.
Note that channels 0, 1, & 2, and channels 3, 4, & 5 (every group of 3
channels) share the same input configuration, but the configuration may vary
between the two groups. Break detection applies to all channels together.
CJC 0 is used for channels 0 & 1, CJC 1 for channels 2 & 3, and CJC 2 for
channels 4 & 5.
The input signal indicated only reflects the level of the inputs
at the moment this screen is invoked and this does not continuously update.
You can click your browser’s refresh button to get a new input update. Note
that the ACT LED will blink each time you hit refresh.
You can use the Port Configuration Control of this page to change the input
range for the channels on a port-by-port basis. For the 965EN shown, you
may select from a voltage range of ±100mV, or ±1V, or TC type J, K, T, R,
S, E, B, or N thermocouple. Note that your range selection will apply to all
channels of the entire port (group of three channels). You may also select
the break detect direction by selecting UP for upscale, or DOWN for
downscale (applies to all channels together). Click on “submit” to execute
your range and/or TC break changes.
The Calibration Page will allow you to recalibrate each channel’s zero and
span signal as required. Simply select the channel to be calibrated, choose
zero or span, apply the zero or full-scale signal to the input, then click
calibrate. For best results, always calibrate zero before span.
Use the scroll bar on the right to scroll down the page as shown below:
Test Page
Note (TC Break): Internally,
TC input values are
represented via 16-bit signed
integers with a resolution of
C/lsb and a possible range
C to +3276.7
As such, a count of 0-7FFFH
is a positive number, while
8000-FFFFH is a negative
number. The downscale
(break) detent is 32768 for all
TC types. However, the
upscale break over-range
count is trimmed to a
reasonable range value
according to the TC type as
follows: 12895 (J), 20068 (K),
6820 (T), 31190 (R), 32767
(S), 20205 (E), 22824 (B), and
21002 (N).
Calibration Page
IMPORTANT: This module
has already been calibrated at
the factory and recalibration is
not normally required, except
as necessary to correct for
long term component aging, or
to satisfy your company’s
maintenance requirements.
Do not attempt to recalibrate
this module unless absolutely
required, as miscalibration will
negatively affect the module’s