Heat sensor:
Typically used with a digital output that has the function "Heat control". The input typically
has a heat sensor fitted which gives a 0-10V output signal. The input is scaled according to what 0V and 10V
correspond to. This defines a low limit at which the heat control must be activated and a high limit at which
heat control is deactivated.
Valve opened:
Used with a digital output that has the function "Open valve", the function is used with
another set of DI/DO, where you can open and close a valve that stops the supply to the pump well,
whereby the inlet pipes can be used as reservoirs in case of increased inflow/rain event etc.
Valve closed:
Used in conjunction with a digital output that has the "Close valve" function. Read the
description above.
General stop:
Used as a general stop function. If the digital goes high it stops the pumps. Can be used in
case of
dry running
of pumps, where a mechanical stop is activated and stops the pumps.
Digital output
DO 1-2 are relay outputs dedicated to pump control, where DO 3-4 is used for specialized functions.
To configure DO 1-4 click on the button shown below the
Spider image.
DO 1 and 2 settings
Constant or timed
Choose if DO should be activated for a given period
of time
Can be used for timely
ON-timer in secs.
If timed is chosen, state the wanted period of time
On-timer stated in seconds.
Delay for ON-state in secs.
Signal delay
Delay stated in seconds.
DO 3 and 4 settings
Additional functions
Could be alarm, Washing
pump etc.
Constant or timed
Choose if DO should be activated for a given period
of time
Can be used for timely
ON-timer in secs.
If timed is chosen, state the wanted period of time
On-timer stated in seconds.