37 Port
Firewall keeps unwanted traffic from the Internet away from your LAN computers. Add a
Port Forwarding entry will create a tunnel through your firewall so that the computers on
the Internet can communicate to one of the computers on your LAN on a single port.
Fields in this page:
Enable Port Forwarding Check this item to enable the port-forwarding feature.
There are 3 options available: TCP, UDP and Both.
Check this item to enable this entry.
Local IP Address
IP address of your local server that will be accessed by Internet.
The destination port number that is made open for this application on the LAN-side.
Remote IP Address
The source IP address from which the incoming traffic is allowed. Leave blank for all.
External Port
The destination port number that is made open for this application on the WAN-side
Select the WAN interface on which the port-forwarding rule is to be applied.