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Fig. 5-5 Function FAULTS LOG
Pressing the button FILE, the data can be downloaded in a plain text format through the built-in RS232 interface -
see S. 7-4 for details.
The factory default settings for the user preferences and some other data can be reset here.
While selecting the menu (Fig. 5-6) the bottom part of the screen is empty (no warning). The colored window is
moved with the ITEM buttons (up or down) to select the position for which you want to restore the default settings.
All proposed actions initially are set on “NO” for all positions and nothing happens at re-confirming "NO" (i.e.
pressing the ACTION - right arrow button). At pressing EXIT this menu is left without changing anything and the
control goes back to the MENU SELECTION screen (Fig. 5).
At first pressing of the ACTION - left button, “YES” for the selected row is proposed and at the bottom of the
display a warning text appears about the action that would be implemented after confirming it. At this stage, the
operator still has the opportunity to quit the execution of the prepared action - he can press either the ACTION -
right (NO) or the EXIT button.
The time for confirmation of the prepared action (by selecting "YES") is limited to 60 seconds in this state
regardless of the current status of the AUTOMATIC MENU EXIT option (S. 5-4(a)). If nothing is pressed within 60
seconds, " NO " (ACTION - right) is automatically selected.
In order to confirm the selected action the operator must press the ACTION - left (YES) button once more. After its
implementation the control returns to the MENU SELECTION screen - Fig. 5. If instead the ACTION - right (NO)
button is pressed, the selection “NO” is selected again, and the control does not leave the current position. At
pressing the EXIT button in this position, the control leaves this menu without changing anything and returns in the
previous window (the MENU SELECTION screen – Fig. 5). At repeated pressing the EXIT button, it returns to the
basic screen of the amplifier (Fig. 3-2).