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Fig. 5.2 Menu “Service functions in the amplifier” – AMP SERVICE
Blocking access to the Operate mode can be controlled using the OPERATE ACCESS option. When the amplifier
is locked (LOCK is selected), it remains in the Stand-by mode and cannot be turned to Operate mode by random
actions unless unlocked by the selection of UNLOCK before that. Passwords are not used - only simple protection
is envisaged against possible child actions, or involuntary switching to Operate mode. While locked, an attempt for
entering Operate mode will trigger a reminder:
The status of the OPERATE ACCESS option can be changed manually as well as with remote commands by the
RS232 interface.
Menu “Selection of CAT/AUX interface” – CAT/AUX SETTINGS
The type and parameters of the CAT/AUX interface for your transceiver are assigned here. If your transceiver has
no CAT interface control, nor parallel or analogue voltage output (BCD / VOLTAGE BAND DATA), you should
select [OFF] at the uppermost row which will disable the amplifier CAT/AUX interface.
The manual selection of CAT/AUX interface (CAT/AUX SETTINGS) is accessible only during reception – Fig. 5
and 5-3. After entering the menu, with the ITEM buttons (up and down) the operator can mark the group of
parameters which he will set (top to bottom, as listed on the screen). The selected group is marked with color.
Afterwards with the SELECT buttons (left or right) the desired parameter is set – it is enclosed within square
First choose the type of interface: Serial (RS232 or TTL levels), Parallel (BCD band data) or VOLTAGE
(analogue band data).
Choosing a serial interface requires additional settings according to the transceiver model. The different
transceiver brands and models have a great variety of controls and settings of their CAT/AUX interfaces. For
maximum flexibility and clarity, they are divided into several groups - 1 to 5. In order to select the command set
and protocol parameters (BAUD RATE, BYTE SPACING, and POLLING TIME) suitable for your transceiver, see
the attached to this manual list of brands and models; the list is also available on the Technical compact disk
(CD) and on the ACOM Internet page (S. 1-2).
If your transceiver is not presented in the published list, it could still be connected with CAT/AUX to the ACOM
600S if its commands set and protocol are compatible with those proposed in the CAT/AUX SETTINGS menu. If
needed, consult your dealer.