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In order to select the user preference which has to be changed, first with the ITEM buttons (up and down) position
the large colored window. Afterwards with the SELECT buttons (left or right) position the marker onto the desired
value – Fig. 5-4.
To activate or deactivate the option, first select menu USER PREFERENCES (S. 5-4 and Fig. 5-4) and position
the large colored window upon the AUTOMATIC MENU EXIT option with the ITEM buttons (up and down). Select
ON or OFF with the SELECT buttons (left or right). Finally, exit the menu with the EXIT button – this will activate
the currently selected state ON or OFF.
When the option is activated (ON), the amplifier exits the currently selected menu if no button has been pressed
for more than 5 minutes.
If the option is deactivated (OFF), the amplifier remains in the currently selected menu until operator’s intervention.
b) Activation and deactivation of option AUTO OPERATE.
The AUTO OPERATE option can be activated manually, as well as by remote commands on the RS232 interface.
To control it manually, first select the USER PREFERENCES menu (S. 5-4 and Fig. 5-4) and in it – the AUTO
OPERATE option by means of the ITEM buttons (up and down).
The option is activated or deactivated by selecting ON or OFF through the SELECT buttons (left or right). Finally,
exit the menu by pressing the EXIT button – the currently selected value will be accepted.
For the role and functioning of the AUTO OPERATE option see Sections 3-3, 4-1(c), and 4-6(b).
To compose an arbitrary text (for instance the operator's call sign), after the row HELLO MESSAGE is selected
with the ITEM button, the small pointer must be set with the SELECT button (right) on the position you wish to be
edited. Afterwards, again with the ITEM button, the symbol for this position is changed – they appear one after
another in the order of the ASCII code. Then with SELECT (right) the next symbol for editing is selected etc.
Finally, again with SELECT (left) the small pointer returns backwards until it comes out of the cells for editing and
only then with ITEM can be selected another row (user preference). When the EXIT button is pressed the edited
values are memorized.
The other preference items need no explanation.
Reading the FAULTS LOG
When selected from the menus list (Fig. 5), the FAULTS LOG function provides a possibility to read and/or
download the information from the nonvolatile memory of the amplifier, registered at the last 28 automatic
protection trips of the type “serious failure” (HARD FAULT - S. 4-6(c)). The information can be read or pictures can
be taken from the amplifier display, or more comfortably – it can be downloaded and archived in a plain-text format
file through the RS232 interface and a computer using a standard terminal emulating program (TTY). The RS232
protocol is: 9600, 8 N 1 (9600bit/s, 8 information bits, no parity check, 1 stop bit).
An example view of the screen is shown in Fig. 5-5.
In the file title individual information about the amplifier and the options is given: model, user call sign (HELLO
MESSAGE), serial number, revisions of the hardware, the firmware, and the boot loader, number of worked hours,
availability and model of an automatic antenna tuner and/or antenna selector.
Further on, for each of the stored faults hexadecimally coded information is given about the values of the 55
monitored parameters, concerning the regime and the state of the amplifier, including: the number of worked
hours, the operating frequency, the parameter which has caused the protection trip, the regime in which the
amplifier has been in, as well as the values of all analogous and logic inputs and outputs of the control unit at the
time of the event.