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If it is not obvious due to what reason the protection has tripped, you can try to turn on the amplifier again. If the
amplifier allows turning on after the fault, the display will be lit but instead of the basic screen, a fault message will
appear with information about the reason for the latest automatic turning off (for example, overheating of the
power supply unit or of the final stage and others).
After pressing any button, the fault message will disappear; the display will show the basic screen – Fig. 3-2, and if
there are no current problems (for example, the overheated unit has already cooled down), the amplifier operation
will restore. If any problem is being found out again, a new message will appear on the screen, or the protection
will trip again immediately, after the attempt.
If the problem persists, refer to your dealer – S. 1-2.
At each “HARD FAULT” turning off in the nonvolatile memory of the amplifier is stored data concerning its control
and regime, the problem occurrence time, and others. Your dealer or his service may ask you to read through this
data (by RS232 interface or from the amplifier screen) and store it in a computer file – see menu FAULTS LOG,
Sections 5-5 and 7-4.
From the basic screen (Fig. 3-2), pressing of the same-name MENU button (the rightmost), the list with the six
menus appears (Fig. 5). Each of them can be selected by means of buttons ITEM (up and down) and SELECT.
Each menu contains one group of topically related “items” – these are some useful instruments and options for
control and operation of the amplifier – Fig. 5-1 to FIg. 5-6.
The items in each menu are selected and controlled by the same six buttons as in the menu, but on the display
above them appear inscriptions for their new functions. Through activation and deactivation of the options in the
menu, the operator can adapt the amplifier to the set up and the specifics of his shack, in order to maximize its
Service operations can be performed in the AMP MEASURE and the AMP SERVICE menus: measurements,
functional and parametric tests, as well as reading the faults log from the nonvolatile memory (if such have been
registered during operation) etc.