ACL Staticide ACL-750-USB Combo Tester Instructions
SendNames will send the names.txt file to the test stations listed in the netlist.txt file.
M1Task will launch (and execute what ever is in) your custom M1Task.bat file (such as copying report files from one computer to
another), but will not wait for M1Task.bat to finish.
M2Task – M5Task will likewise execute M2Task.bat – M5Task.bat.
BackupNames will backup the names.txt data file through seven rotations, so call this once per day for a complete weekly backup.
It’ll backup the names data file names.txt. It should be called once each day. It will: delete NamesBakRot7.txt, rename
NamesBakRot6.txt to NamesBakRot7.txt, rename NamesBakRot5.txt to NamesBakRot6.txt, …. rename NamesBakRot1.txt to
NamesBakRot2.txt, and copy Names.txt to NamesBakRot1.txt. Thus you will have seven days to recover a names.txt file before it
gets deleted. This function can be automatically called from the Autogenerate email task scheduler.
Training will read the optional Certification training course data files to see which employees have passed the retraining exam, and
generate a report. Refer to the Help.txt file Installation step 30 on how to Setup Certification Configuration.
Update will update employees that are in the names.txt data base with the latest info in the remote data base, and remove
employees that are not in a remote data base from the names.txt file, and email a report showing the names that were removed.
The remote data base settings are in the Setup Remote data base window.
DownloadLog will import the remote data base measurements to the log.txt file. WARNING – all previous data in the log.txt file will
be overwritten. This function can not be called from a test station that is configured to send buffered measurement data to the
remote data base, because all the data would then be sent back again to the data base the next time a measurement was made,
since the buffering is done in the log.txt file.
NdownloadNames imports the remote data base names info to the names.txt file. WARNING – all previous data in the names.txt file
will be overwritten
Occupancy will generate a report of the employees who have conducted a test, but not signed out (i.e. not scanned their badge on
the way out without pressing the test button).
OperationsMsgs will send the operation message log.
Possible entries for Workgroup:
any legitimate predefined workgroup designator
any concatenation of the other predefined workgroup designators with semicolons but no spaces
the word ALL - will use all workgroups
Possible entries for Email addresses:
any legitimate email address e.g. [email protected]
any concatenation of email addresses using a semicolon but no spaces
e.g. [email protected];[email protected]
the word NO (or any word less than 4 letters) to generate a report but not email it
Possible entries for Last Executed:
the program will fill this in when the report is run
Delete the entry or leave it blank to run the report today,
or press the Clear Time button to clear all the Last Executed times.
Control buttons:
Start will begin executing the tasks. The window must stay open and “started” to continue running the tasks.
Pause/Edit will stop executing the tasks and allow editing.
Save will save the edited task schedule to the GenReports.txt file.
Undo will undo editing since the last save.
Clear Times will clear the last executed times to rerun all today’s previous tasks for testing.
Cancel will stop the program and close the window.
to continue executing tasks but hide the window, just click on the window behind it.
Other Notes:
There are three check boxes at the bottom of the window: