37 Altos R920
Installation Configuration Guide
system manually.
# cd /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/dma
# mv ioatdma.ko ioatdma.ko.bak
You can find the IOAT driver in EasyBUILD. Please copy the
driver from the EasyBUILD to HDD first.
Copy the IOAT driver to /tmp
# cd /tmp
# tar zxf ioatdma-<ioat version>.tar.gz
Install the IOAT driver
# cd ioatdma-<ioat version>
# make install
Load the IOAT driver
# modprobe dca
# cd ioatdma
# insmod ioatdma.ko
# modprobe ioatdma
# ll /sys/class/dma/
When IOAT driver installation completed, you could see
subdirectories and files for each subdirectory of
/sys/class/dma folder.
RAID Utility Installation
You can find the RAID Web Console 2 in EasyBUILD 8.0
build 100. Please refer to directory of the RAID Web
Console 2 in Software Required section and copy the
utility from the EasyBUILD 8.0 build 100 to HDD first.
# mount /media/cdrecorder
# cp –R /media/cdrecorder/app/r920/Integrated_SAS/Linux/. /tmp
Install RAID Web Console 2 utility
# cd /tmp/
# unzip ir3_Linux_RWC2_v2_19_01.zip
# chmod 755 install.sh
# chmod 755 RunRPM.sh
# ./install.sh